Undergraduate Course Description

GRSJ 311: African/Black Women in the Americas

GRSJ 311: African/Black Women in the Americas

An interdisciplinary survey of gender studies and histories of African/Black women in the Americas from the beginning of the slave trade to the present.

GRSJ 310: Gender, Race, Social Justice & Health

GRSJ 310: Gender, Race, Social Justice & Health

Interdisciplinary introduction to gender and health issues using selected theoretical frameworks.

GRSJ 308: Creativity from the Margins

GRSJ 308: Creativity from the Margins

Critical engagement with the creative process of marginalized peoples and the intersection of creative writing, social justice, and anti-racist feminism. Emphasis on how historical and social context are crucial to acts of creative writing and reading.

GRSJ 307: Gender, Race, Sexuality & Popular Culture

GRSJ 307: Gender, Race, Sexuality & Popular Culture

Critical examination of mainstream and alternative media images of gender, race, and sexuality in the context of networked social media, film, music, and television.

GRSJ 306: Globalization & Social Justice: Gender, Race & Sexuality in International Politics

GRSJ 306: Globalization & Social Justice: Gender, Race & Sexuality in International Politics

Critical examination of the gender dimension of globalization and the theories, discourse, and practices in international politics using gender analysis.

GRSJ 305: Social Justice Issues in Community & International Organizing

GRSJ 305: Social Justice Issues in Community & International Organizing

Critical examination and practical applications of concepts, theories, methods, and strategies of gender-aware organizing at the community and international levels.

GRSJ 304: Gaming the System: Digital Media, Social Justice & Video Games

GRSJ 304: Gaming the System: Digital Media, Social Justice & Video Games

Emerging technology in the areas of digital affect theory, cyborg feminism, critical digital humanities, critical race studies, surveillance studies, and queer game studies.

GRSJ 303: Gender, Race, Social Justice & the Law

GRSJ 303: Gender, Race, Social Justice & the Law

A survey of feminist legal thought and recent developments in feminism and law, with a focus on Canada.

GRSJ 302: Pedagogies of Social Justice

GRSJ 302: Pedagogies of Social Justice

The intersections of gender, education, and work using sociological and economic frameworks.

GRSJ 301: Gender, Race & Indigeneity in Canada

GRSJ 301: Gender, Race & Indigeneity in Canada

Gender and indigeneity in the documented histories and narrated lives of Indigenous people in Canada.