Student Journals

Our student-run publications give graduate, and undergraduate students the opportunity to collaborate and to submit their research, have it peer-reviewed and published.

Decomp Journal

Decomp Journal is a literary and multimedia journal grounded in social justice committed to curating art from marginalized communities. Decomp Journal is an in-house, graduate and undergraduate student journal for the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice at the University of British Columbia.

Entangled Knowledges: Practices of Dreaming, Reflecting, and Being Present

Entangled Knowledges: Practices of Dreaming, Reflecting, and Being Present is a zine created by graduate students in the 2021-2022 cohort of GRSJ 500: Intersectional Issues in Social Justice and Equality Studies. In conversation with scholars and artists who were part of the department’s Noted Scholars Series, this collection of thinking pieces grapples with issues of epistemic justice from a range of vantage points. We share our insights about practicing commitments to social justice through this attempt to dream, reflect, and be present in the academy.

Ignite: the Undergraduate Journal for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice

Ignite Undergraduate Journal (IUJ) is an annual publication that showcases original intersectional feminist scholarship produced by UBC students.

Ignite is a student-run initiative offering a site of publication to students at the University of British Columbia. As an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, we seek to present a wide collection of academic and creative works that relate to broadly defined conceptions and experiences of feminism. We seek topics that explore forms of oppression such as racism, colonialism, sexism, classism, ableism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. We offer a unique academic and artistic forum to a body of students who have enormous critical and expressive capacity.

The most recent edition of Ignite was published in September 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there was no issue published in 2021.



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