GRSJ 425C: Special Topics – Gender, Race & Social Justice in Emotions & Everyday Life
Examination in depth of selected topics in gender, race, and sexuality.
GRSJ 425B: Special Topics – Decolonizing Disability: Towards the Abolition of Carceral Spaces
Examination in depth of selected topics in gender, race, and sexuality.
GRSJ 210: Gender, Race & Colonialism in the Americas
Interdisciplinary exploration of the ways gender, class, sexuality and race shape modern histories in Canada, and transnationally, from 1920 to the present.
GRSJ 425A: Special Topics – Colonialism & After
Examination in depth of selected topics in gender, race, and sexuality.
CSIS 490: Directed Topics
Designed to allow a student to develop an individual course of study in a specific area as approved by a faculty member affiliated with the CSIS program.
CSIS 450:Topics in Critical Studies in Sexuality
A thematic course, which explores current questions and issues in relation to the study of sexuality. Winter 2024/25: Topic: Performing Gender and Sexuality (Aka “Drag Around the World”)
CSIS 301: Introduction to Trans* Studies
How race, citizenship, gender, sexuality, culture and dis/ability are materially and socially constructed together to give meaning to the category trans*. (Trans*: transgender, transsexual, gender variant and other articulations.)
CSIS 300A: Introduction to Critical Studies in Sexuality
A multidisciplinary course which provides an introduction to the study of sexuality, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual, and transgender issues and related topics.
CSIS 200: Critical Engagements in Sexuality Studies
Introductory survey to sexuality studies that emphasizes how sexuality intersects with race, gender, class, ability, and geography.
GRSJ 480: Decolonizing Praxis: A Practicum in Social Justice
Connects feminist and critical race theory and practice through placement in a community organization.