Closing date: Friday May 30, 2025.
2025W Courses:
The Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice has the following graduate teaching assistant (GTA) positions available during 2025W term 1 & 2:
Course Code | Course Title | Term | Time/Scheduele | Credits | Instructor |
GRSJ 101 (101) | Introduction to Social Justice | T1 | M/W 12:30-2PM | 3 | Dr. Isabel Machado |
GRSJ 101 (102) | Introduction to Social Justice | T1 | T/R 12;30-2PM | 3 | TBD |
GRSJ 101 (99A) | Introduction to Social Justice | T1 | Online Asynchronous | 3 | Dr. Tara Mayer |
GRSJ 102 (101) | Global Issues in Social Justice | T1 | M/W/F 10AM-11AM | 3 | Dr. Litsa Chatzivasileiou |
GRSJ 300 (901) | Intersectional Approcahes to Thinking Gender | T1 | T/R 3:30-5PM | 3 | Dr. Alida Bandali |
GRSJ 300 (99A) | Intersectional Approaches to Thinking Gender | T1 | Online Asynchronous | 3 | Dr. Isabel Machado |
GRSJ 306 (101) | Globalization and Social Justice: Gender, Race and Sexuality in International Politics | T1 | T/R 12:30-2PM | 3 | TBD |
GRSJ 224C (001) | Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice in Literature | T1-2 | T/R 11AM-12:30PM | 6 (Full year course) | Dr. Kim Snowden |
GRSJ 101 (202) | Introduction to Social Justice | T2 | T/R 12:30-2PM | 3 | TBD |
GRSJ 101 (227) | Introduction to Social Justice (Co-Ordinated Arts Law and Society Stream) | T2 | T/R 12:30-2PM | 3 | Dr. Minelle Mahtani |
GRSJ 101 (99C) | Introduction to Social Justice | T2 | Online Asynchronous | 3 | Dr. Tara Mayer |
GRSJ 102 (201) | Global Issues in Social Justice | T2 | T/R 9:30AM-11AM | 3 | Dr. Litsa Chatzivasileiou |
GRSJ 300 (99C) | Intersectional Approaches to Thinking Gender | T2 | Online Asynchronous | 3 | Dr. Isable Machado |
GRSJ 307 (201) | Gender, Race, Sexuality and Popular Culture | T2 | T/R 12:30-2PM | 3 | TBD |
GRSJ 328 (201) | Theories of Subjectivity | T2 | T/R 12:30-2PM | 3 | TBD |
CSIS 300A (101) | Introduction to Critical Studies in Sexuality | T2 | TBC | 3 | Dr. Isabel Machado |
All successful applicants must physically reside in Canada for the duration of their appointment as teaching assistant (including during the exam period) according to the Canada Revenue Agency, WorkSafe and UBC policies. Students must be registered full-time during the terms they will serve as teaching assistant and be legally entitled to work in Canada.
Advanced course work in gender, race, sexuality and social justice.
Graduate Teaching Assistant duties may include holding regular office hours (online and in person), marking assignments and exams, communicating online with students, attending orientation meetings as well as follow-up sessions, where applicable. Duties may also involve preparation and involvement in seminars, lectures, discussion periods and tutorials. GTAs will work with a faculty member teaching the course.
All positions are dependent on final enrollment and funding.
Current salary:
Salary will be in accordance with current negotiated CUPE 2278 rates:
Graduate Teaching Assistant I: | $40.16/hour |
Graduate Teaching Assistant II: | $38.65/hour |
A full-time TA is 192 hours per term.
How to Apply:
All applications must be submitted online at
The application should include a current CV with contact information for 2 academic referees, and a cover letter that outlines your preferred courses and describes your academic expertise relative to the particular subject matter of the courses.
Deadline for applications: May 30, 2025
All positions are subject to availability of funds and will be governed by the collective agreement between UBC and CUPE 2278.
Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Métis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.
All qualified persons are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.