Supervision Enquiry Form

If you would like to contact a proposed supervisor, please fill in the Supervision Enquiry Form. Only contact a few carefully selected faculty that would be a good fit for your research interest.

Supervision Enquiry Form

The quality of your enquiry will determine whether you will receive a response from a faculty member. Fields with a * are mandatory.

  • Please add either your current or last tertiary institution that you attended. If you attended multiple institutions you should pick the one that granted your highest credential/degree.
  • Please provide an estimate of your grade point average based on the Canadian percentage scale. You may view these examples ( of grade scales and how they compare to a UBC scale. This estimate will be used for informational purposes only and not considered in any admission decision. If you apply to UBC you will be required to provide copies of your official transcripts.
  • Please list up to three areas of research that you are interested in. Please be as specific as possible in your selection.
  • Max. file size: 8 MB.
    Please upload your CV. This is optional.
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