Browse a selection of GRSJ faculty’s published books.
Avanzar a tientas. Memorias, violencias y producción de conocimiento (2024)
Pilar Riaño
The Anthropology of White Supremacy: A Reader (2024)
Jemima Pierre (co-editor)
Transpacific Undisciplined (2024)
Christopher Patterson (co-editor)
Made in Asia/America: Why video games were never (really) about Us (2024)
Christopher Patterson (co-editor)
May it have a happy ending: A memoir of finding my voice as my mother lost hers (2024)
Minelle Mahtani
Carnival in Alabama: Marked Bodies and Invented Traditions in Mobile (2023)
Isabel Machado
Nimrods: a fake-punk self-hurt anti-memoir (2023)
Kawika Guillermo
Unpayable Debt (2022)
Denise Ferreira da Silva
The Colour of God (2022)
Ayesha Chaudhry
All Flowers Bloom: a novel (2020)
Kawika Guillermo
Homo modernus. Para uma ideia global de raca (Em Portugues do Brasil) (2019)
Denise Ferreira da Silva
Stamped: an anti-travel novel (2018)
Kawika Guillermo
Transitive Cultures. Anglophone Literature of the Transpacific (2018)
Christopher Patterson
The Right to Maim (2017)
Jasbir Puar
Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition (2016)
Ayesha Chaudhry
Tekahionwake: E. Pauline Johnson’s Writing on Native America (2015)
Dory Nason (co-author)
Mixed Race Amnesia: Resisting the Romanticization of Multiraciality in Canada (2015)
Minelle Mahtani
The Predicament of Blackness: Postcolonial Ghana and the Politics of Race (2012)
Jemima Pierre
Filipinos in Canada: Disturbing Invisibility (2012)
J.P. Catungal (co-author)
Toward a Global Idea of Race (2007)
Denise Ferreira da Silva
Terrorist Assemblages (2007)
Jasbir Puar
Dwellers of Memory: Youth and Violence in Medellin, Colombia (2006)
Pilar Riaño-Alcalá