What Got Us Here Won’t Get Us There: Critical History in Radical Black Re-imaginations of Canadian Nursing Histories

GRSJ Alumni, Kyra Philbert (BA, 2022) has co-authored a paper recently published in the Canadian Journal of Nursing Research.

The paper, entitled “What Got Us Here Won’t Get Us There: Critical History in Radical Black Re-imaginations of Canadian Nursing Histories” examines the overarching question of how does engaging with histories of Canadian Blackness serve as an anti-racist strategy when examining, analyzing and understanding the history of nursing and health care?

The paper is a reflection and an extension of the keynote Hannah Panel Presentation given by the authors at a joint conference focused on Canadian health history. It involved Dr. Geertje Boschma providing an overview and general introduction, followed by the other panelists (Ismalia De Sousa, Kyra Philbert and Dr. Lydia Wytenbroek) then sharing individual contributions relating to their work on Canadian nursing history and Blackness. Subsequently, the authors engaged the live audience in interactive reflection. The written work aligns with the original patterning of the oral presentation.