Allen Baylosis Receives José Esteban Muñoz First-Time Presentation Award

Belated congratulations go out to GRSJ PhD student, Allen Baylosis who received the José Esteban Muñoz First-Time Presentation Award at the 2023 American Society for Theater Research (ASTR) Conference last year.

This award recognizes his academic paper entitled “The Collage and Its Fragments: Performing Filipinx Diasporic Dreaming in Jay Cabalu’s Collage Portraits,” where he theorizes the artistic medium of collage through notions of fragmentedness, disassemblage, and refusing wholeness.

The José Esteban Muñoz First-Time Presentation Award encourages the development of scholars of colour, helping them to meet the expenses of presenting for the first time at the ASTR annual meeting. In the spirit of José Esteban Muñoz, this award supports, promotes, and features the production of research by and about people of colour. It places particular emphasis on these presentations as an opportunity to foster and forward intersectional work that also attends to and includes LGBTQ communities, disability communities, and scholars without regularized institutional support.

Allen Baylosis is an emerging socio-academic artist and performance scholar. He is interested in the intersections of critical theory, minoritarian performances, and the Filipinx diaspora. His current research focuses on contemporary aesthetic performances, queer dis/assemblages of Brownness, and the Filipinx commons.