The Social Justice Institute Noted Scholars Series presents
On Debility: A Critical Genealogy
by Dr. Jasbir Puar

When & Where
September 27th, 1-2pm PT
Buchanan Tower 225
This event is free and open to the public. Sandwiches will be provided for in-person registrants.
Please wear a mask if you intend to attend this event.
Unfortunately, there will no longer be an online component of this event.
Please RSVP below in advance to attend.
Note: A waitlist will be used for the in-person lecture should the event reach capacity. You will be contacted if space opens up.
Each year, our department hosts a Noted Scholars Speaker Series to bring our faculty, students, and community members into a generative space for exchange and discussion with the work of noted scholars and artists. This interdisciplinary series aims to engage with critical ideas and creative work at the radical edges of scholarly, artistic, and activist work. This year’s Series will explore and question the ways that entire populations can fall within hierarchies of both physical and cognitive ability; the ways that negative feelings about our bodies can both foreclose and open new avenues of thought; and the ways that crip methods can help consider the parallels and intersections of studies in settler colonialism, racial capitalism, empire, queer theory, refugee narratives, and permanent war.
Jasbir K. Puar is a professor at UBC’s Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice. She is the author of the award-winning books The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability (2017), which has been translated into Spanish and Portuguese, and Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times (2007), available in French and Spanish, re-issued as an expanded version for its 10th anniversary (2017), and forthcoming in Greek and Portuguese. Her articles have been published in journals such as Social Text and South Atlantic Quarterly, mainstream venues such as Al-Jazeera and The Guardian, and translated into more than 15 languages.
Puar is also co-author of exhibitions for the Sharjah Architecture Triennial (2019) and the Sharjah Art Biennial (2023). She is the recipient of the 2019 Kessler Award from the Center for Gay and Lesbian Studies (CLAGS) at CUNY, which recognizes lifetime achievement in and impact on queer research and organizing.
- This will be an in-person event in Buchanan Tower. A wheelchair accessible and single-user, gender-neutral washroom is located on the ground floor of the building. Otherwise, gendered washrooms are located on alternate floors in the stairwell between floors.
- The room has a capacity of approximately 40 people and will have open windows.
- Please wear a mask if you intend to attend this event. There will be masks available in the room.
Please include any additional access requests or questions in the RSVP form above.