The Beauty in BIPOC
A Pop-up Photo Exhibit
GRSJ Lobby, 10th Floor, Buchanan Tower
March 14 – 28
GRSJ is proud to present a special pop-up photography exhibition showcasing the artistic work and thoughtful perspectives from a variety of women of colour at UBC.
The exhibit is part of a larger Instagram project by GRSJ undergraduate student, Sarina Virani. The Instagram account @thebeautyinbipoc features the work of UBC undergraduate students, Guntas Kaur and Jaida Sanada, as well as UBC alumnus Tamara Chang.
We hope the exhibition will prompt reflection and spark dialogue on the prevalence of Eurocentric beauty standards in the media and everyday life.
The Beauty in BIPOC is available to view at the Institute (Floor 10 of Buchanan Tower) from March 14 to March 28 (during regular office hours).
About: Sarina Virani is a fourth-year undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice. She founded @thebeautyinbipoc as a passion project that aligns with her observations of and interests in the representation of women of colour in popular media.

GRSJ undergraduate student, Sarina Virani stands in front of photographs featured in her pop-up exhibition, The Beauty in BIPOC.