The Social Justice Institute is excited to announce the Term 1 speaker lineup and theme for the 2023-2024 Noted Scholars Series “Debility, the Body, and Death”

Poster design by Jasper Mallonga
Each year, UBC’s Social Justice Institute hosts a Noted Scholars Speaker Series to bring our faculty, students, and community members into a generative space for exchange and discussion with the work of noted scholars and artists. This year’s Series will explore and question the ways that entire populations can fall within hierarchies of both physical and cognitive ability; the ways that negative feelings about our bodies can both foreclose and open new avenues of thought; and the ways that crip methods can help consider the parallels and intersections of studies in settler colonialism, racial capitalism, empire, queer theory, refugee narratives, and permanent war.
These public lectures are free and open to all, with the talks including:
- Sept. 27th – On Debility: A Critical Genealogy by Jasbir Puar
- Oct. 18th – Many Ways of Being Human by Karen Lord
- Nov. 1st – Joyful Defiance in Performance by Rosanne Sia and Isabel Machado
- Nov. 22nd – Settler Colonialism as the Automation of Attritional Warfare: Death-Disability-Debility and the Making of Worlds by Kharnita Mohamed
Stay tuned as the RSVP pages will be released a few weeks in advance of each talk!