GRSJ PhD Student A.J. Lowik has co-authored an article on engaged queer scholarship in a special issue of Scholarly and Research Communication entitled ‘Engaged Queer Scholarship: Probing a New Paradigm of Knowledge Creation.’ The article focuses on the community-based participatory research project undertaken with social justice group Queer Ontario; the project was concerned with developing a theoretical perspective called ‘queer liberation theory.’
“Queer liberation theory,” says A.J., “counters the assimilationist, neoliberal segment of today’s LGBT movements and this article explores the challenges of creating this knowledge. This project involved numerous key stakeholders and required knowledge dissemination strategies appropriate for varied audiences. It considered the ways in which academics, artists and activists alike participate in processes of knowledge creation.”
Scholarly and Research Communication is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, open access journal, focusing on the production, usage and dissemination of knowledge. This special issue contains papers based on presentations made at the Scholarship of Socially Engaged Research Symposium, held at York University, in October 2013.
Read the abstract, and download the full text.