Michael Paramo New Book, Ending the Pursuit: Asexuality, Aromanticism and Agender Identity

GRSJ PhD Candidate, Michael Paramo has recently published Ending the Pursuit: Asexuality, Aromanticism and Agender Identity (Unbound, 2024).

The book is a groundbreaking deep dive into the history, politics and lived experiences of three often-misunderstood identities.

Michael was interviewed about the inspiration behind the book earlier this month by Geeks Out International.

“Ending the Pursuit is a book examining asexuality, aromanticism, and agender identity that calls for a deconstruction of the dominant ways we imagine sex, romance, gender, intimacy, love, and relationships... One chapter aims to deconstruct the idea that how we think about attraction should always be firstly sexual or romantic. Another chapter examines how some of our ideas about romantic love and desirability are influenced by colonial discourses that upheld myths of racial hierarchy...”
Excerpt from Geeks Out International interview