The Social Justice Institute Presents:
10th Anniversary Celebration and Inaugural Talk
Please join us as we celebrate the Social Justice Institute’s 10th anniversary (30th anniversary as a center) and inaugural talk for the Noted Scholar’s Series.
Event Details
This event is free and open to public, as an open space of dialogue and encounter for friends, associates, alumni, and faculty emerita as well as GRSJ’s faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and staff. It also serves a a launch to GRSJ’s Noted Scholar’s Series 2022-2023, titled “Knowledge Twilights, sensorial aesthetics, and epistemic justice.” This year’s inaugural talk, “Negative Accumulation or The Racial Event That Which Happens Without Time,” will be given by professor Denise Ferreira da Silva.
The event will begin at 5 pm at the Ponderosa Commons. The Institute’s new director Dr. Nora Angeles will welcome participants with opening remarks which will be followed by a 40 minute talk and a 15 minute Q&A by Dr. Denise Ferreira da Silva. Following, there will be a champagne toast celebrating the institute, light refreshments, and an open space of exchange for participants.

Featuring the 1st Noted Scholar’s Series 2022-2023 talk:
“Negative Accumulation or The Racial Event That Which Happens Without Time”
Dr. Denise Ferreira da Silva
Co-sponsored by GRSJ’s Graduate Student Association and the Faculty of Arts
Negative accumulation, Denise Ferreira da Silva offers, invites a shift in thinking in line with the black and indigenous anticolonial, anticapitalist, and anti-imperialist radical traditions. As an image, it captures the trajectory of black and indigenous (of the Americas, Africa, and Asia and the Pacific) persons and populations in the past four hundred years or so. As such, like the image of unpayable debt, it supports the statement that decolonization is the only appropriate descriptor for the goal of any ethico-political program designed to confront global capital.
September 21st, 5-7pm
Ponderosa Commons – Ballroom
Please RSVP below in advance
Note: This is an in-person event that will not be recorded or livestreamed.
Denise Ferreira da Silva is an academic and an artist. She is currently a Professor at GRSJ at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) and an Adjunct Professor at Monash University’s Architecture, Design, and Art (Melbourne, Australia).
She is the author of Toward a Global Idea of Race (University of Minnesota Press, 2007), and Unpayable Debt (Sternberg Press, 2022) and co-editor (with Paula Chakravartty) Race, Empire, and the Crisis of the Subprime (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013). Her several articles have been published in leading interdisciplinary journals, such as Social Text, Theory, Culture & Society, PhiloSOPHIA, Griffith Law Review, Theory & Event, The Black Scholar, to name a few. She has held visiting professorships at leading universities, such as University of Pennsylvania, the University of Sao Paulo, New York University, and the University of Copenhagen. Next spring, she will occupy the International Chair in Contemporary Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Paris 8 (Paris, France).
Her artistic works includes the films Serpent Rain (2016), 4Waters-Deep Implicancy (2018), Soot Breath/Corpus Infinitum (2020), in collaboration with Arjuna Neuman; and the relational art practices Poethical Readings and Sensing Salon, in collaboration with Valentina Desideri. She has exhibited and lectured at major art venues, such as the Centre Pompidou (Paris), Whitechapel Gallery (London, MASP (Sāo Paulo), Guggenheim (New York), and MoMa (New York). She has also written for publications for major art events (Liverpool Biennale, 2017; São Paulo Biennale, 2016, Venice Biennale, 2017, and Documenta 14) and feature (essays and interviews) in art publishing venues, such as Canadian Art, Texte Zur Kunst, and E-Flux.
Accessibility: Ponderosa Commons has an external accessible ramp and accessible washroom available.